
Calculate your route

You can use this code with the reader of your mobile device to calculate the route from where you are to us


If you come with your car or in a rental car, simply scan the QR code that appears above and all the details will appear on the map to arrive without problem, or you can put the coordinates also on top.

Airplane. Airports

The Airports most used by our clients to come to Playa El Palmar, in the province of Cádiz are the following:

Jerez de la Frontera

It is the closest to only 80 km.


This is the second closest option that is 150 km from our facilities


This is another option, although is a little more far away (about 220 km) it has more options of Car Rentals.

We remind our clients that we also have Airport Pickup service mentioned above, which you can select from the reservation request form.

Railway. Stations

The closest train station to Playa el Palmar is the San Fernando, about 38 km away.

The other station is Puerto Santa Maria and one of the main ones is Cadiz, about 52 km away.
You can visit the official Renfe website where you can find the schedules and be able to buy the tickets:

Bus. Stations

There are bus stations in Conil de la Frontera, Jerez de la Frontera, Puerto Santa Maria, San Fernando, Cadiz, Seville, Malaga.
In El Palmar there is no bus station.
The closest station to our facilities is that of Conil de la Frontera and free of charge we can pick up our clients in Conil de la Frontera.
You can visit the official Bus website where you can find the schedules and be able to buy the tickets:
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